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New Balance SQ

NBSQ 2.0 A virtual experience hosted by New Balance and SportsShoes.Com in celebration of the TCS London Marathon.


The design of NBSQ 2022 evolved and grew into a multi level experience, with more interaction opportunities, more content, more depth and character. The space allows the user to be part of the Sports Shoes Marathon Community, learn about optimising training and race ready nutrition with expertise from Mob Kitchen, enjoy the dedicated mob mix Spotify playlist and browse and buy the latest New Balance Marathon products.



Once again our 3D partners Threedium, created digital models of the New Balance Marathon Collection providing a unique opportunity for the user to explore the product features and benefits digitally. The addition of video content, useful information and the ability to share your own story to win allows the user to interact on many levels during their experience in the Square.



NBSQ is Live for the month prior to Race Day with a fully rounded schedule of promotion driving visits and engagement in the running, New Balance and SportsShoes communities.

Explore NBSQ here

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